EverEarth products and business structure have sustainability as a business structure. This means that the packaging used is recyclable, has no harmful chemicals and the energy for production is obtained from natural sources such as solar cells. EverEarth, makes a huge effort to preserve the forests in the world, among others. via the "plant-a-tree" campaign

EverEarth has won several "Awards", and has more than 45 years of experience in the production of wooden toys, which are must with a focus on the child's development, stimuli and development of the senses. All EverEarth items have been thoroughly tested .

All EverEarth`s products are FSC-certified.

25% Off
Model: EE33795
0 reviews

Beautiful and decorative tool bench from EverEarth

A tool bench that allows children to play a lot of hours

What child does not want to imitate the father who works in the workshop - and here you are invited to play games.

The tool bench also has a nice design, which means that it will also decorate the room really nicely.

Age: +36 months
Packaging size: 64.7 x 34.3 x 13.7 cm
Material: 100% FSC-certified beech

You save: €32.48
Model: EE33590
0 reviews

Inspiring and exciting organic train track set from EverEarth.

This fine train set consists of 25 parts and contains everything it takes to get started with the fun game. Ie. rails, trains, farm things, signs and trees included. The train set fits 100% with other brands such as: Brio, Big Jigs, Tidlo, Thomas, ELC and other tracks.
In addition to play, this set is also a really good help to train children's hand and eye coordination, concentration, fine motor skills, social play, role play etc.

Size: 60 x 44 x 7.5 cm.
Age: 36+ months.

Model: EE33776
0 reviews

Cute shark with a string - just to pull around with.

A really good toy that motivates the child to move around. The shark helps to strengthen the child's balance and coordination.

The shark is flexible as it consists of different composite parts.

Item no .: EE33776

Age: 12+ months

Size: 11.3 x 13.2 x 11.4 cm.

Material: Wood

Color: Gray

Model: EE33754
0 reviews

Nice garden bag with tools - for the little gardener

Cute and smart bag with fine garden tools from EverEarth .

Albert and Emma love to help in the garden.

The set consists, in addition to the smart bag, of a really nice water jug, a shovel - shovel and a small hand rake.

Smart way to motivate the children to help and at the same time they can learn a lot about vegetables, flowers and nature.

The set and the gardening also help to develop the child's motor skills and imagination.

Watch the video below:


Product info:

Age: 36+ months

Color: Beige and gray



Model: EE33788
0 reviews

Beautiful tool bench with tools from EverEarth

Really wonderful tool bench that is suitable for the children who love to saw, screw etc.

Many hours can be spent here when hammering and screwing - a real dream for the little future carpenter.

At the same time, the child learns how the different tools can be used.

Age: 36+ months

Size: 37.5 x 22.5 x 32.5 cm.

Material: wood

Color: light blue


20% Off
Model: EE33782
0 reviews

Flot lastbil i snor med klodskasse fra EverEarth

Lastbilen kan fint benyttes som trækvogn af børn, som har lært at gå.

Lastbilen vil motivere barnet til at gå og styrke balance og koordination.

I lastbilen er der en klodskasse, med små klodser i forskellige former og farver.

Klodserne er udstyret med små billeder af hverdagsting som kan genbruges - og samtidig kan man også lære de små kære om genbrug i hverdagen.

Alder: +12 mdr

Emballage størrelse: 30 x 20 x 16 cm

Materiale: 100% FSC-certificeret bøg


You save: €8.02
Model: EE33789
0 reviews

Flot trætog i moderne design

Sættet består af et tog og en masse klodser. som barnet kan bygge toget af.

Klodserne er glatte uden skarpe kanter. Klodserne har forskellige farver, størrelser og former.
Styrker børns fantasi samt er en god træning af børns hånd og øje koordination, koncentration, finmotorik, social leg m.m.


Alder: 18+ måneder.

Størrelse: 8.8 x 9.6 x 41.6 cm

Materiale: træ

Farve: blå og grå nuancer

20% Off
Model: EE33290
0 reviews

Super smart og udviklende 3i1 produkt fra EverEarth
Viggo har testet 3i1 køretøjet og han siger "den er plingeling" og han samler og skiller ad i et væk.

Byg og design en gravemaskine, bil eller bus ud af dette ene produkt.

Klodserne lærer barnet, hvordan man skaber noget nyt ved at finde ud af hvordan stykkerne passer sammen.

Fingerfærdigheden forbedres og kreativiteten styrkes.


Alder: +24 mdr
Emballage størrelse: 23 x 20 x 10,2 cm
Materiale: 100% FSC-certificeret bøg

You save: €5.34
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